Monday 10 August 2020

Year 8 camp

In the first day for our year 8 camp. First we have to get all of our bags out and put it into to the hall and then we have to go sit in group of four so my best group is Coramandle and then Phill and Shally and the other teacher Phill tell us about what we have to do. We have cross game for our first game is tack is  just like touch and my group is red because we have to pick what colour we want, so the teacher gave us something to draw in our face and everyone like it  but our teacher tell us where we have to go and also our rooms  and the in a group and one of the girls, slept together in one bed because they were scared and then we have to go to the gym and start playing, the first game was more fun I like first game because we can work together and then after games we had our morning tea and then we have to do our first, rotation and then after the first rotation we have lunch and we have top go in the hall and pick any food cookies and banana or apple and then after we had to for shower and then we all have to go and sit our group table and then  one of the group has to sing and then the other group sing but the group that sing has to go and make a line and then after we watch movie or sleep and then that what we did for the year 8 camp.

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