Thursday 5 March 2020

genomics fun day

Genomics fun day 


                                                 Genomics fun day 

     So today we have a fun day is about genomics and we have a lot   of work to do and the other school come it  was G.I primary school and glenbrae.But the first thing we have to do we started our karakia and our waiata and we start now so the first we have to do is that we can go into group of (9) or 6 or 5.And then we got prize for the one that now the one that now all the answer they will get a prize  and after we have to go and we get some of the paper we have to do and answer the question we have to go  into group and we have to work together and we have to go and tell the teacher the answer and after we have moringa tea with them and  after we have to sit down and  we have to  do another quiz and that quiz we have to know wo is the group that win and  that group one person have to stand up and get us our prize and  this is what we did today for genomics and so  this is the picture they also pring lot of things and mr burt was coming into team 5  and we have so much fun 


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