Wednesday 11 March 2020

Why we go to school

Why do we go to school?

Why do we go to school? So that we can meet some of the new people
and make some new friends  so that we can learn something new
from school and so that we can do something for our family  
and so that when we grow up and we can have to help our family and 
put some new things inside the family.  There are many reasons
we go to school. The main reason we attend school is to gain the
skills and education needed to live autonomously and successfully.
School also teaches us social skills we will need in our future lives
and careers. ... Public education teaches us how to collaborate effectively
with others.  And so that the teacher has to tell us something and we
have to come to school to earn something for our family.  Not only
is it a good habit to learn from an early age (it will help us students
when we come to have a job later in life), but being on time is also
important for us because: it helps  us students settle into the
school day well, with everybody else. It helps them make and keep friends.
It improves self-confidence. career they would like to pursue when they
grow older. When those students transition to elementary and high school
they begin to gravitate towards a certain discipline and when they finally
make it to college a discipline may be chosen and pursued. But school does
not only prepare you for your future major, it prepares one for the real world.
The stress, time management, and the priority making begins in the classroom.
Students are given homework in order to complete before certain deadlines,
prioritize specific assignments and activities.

     The third reason why I go to school is because school helps develop
networking and social skills. Students are surrounded by students in the
classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, and lunchrooms so students have no
choice but to socialize and garner friends throughout their educational career
the relationships that are made during school are relationships
that will help others get things that would be more difficult if that
student had not made those friendships. Moreover, by going to school
one will inevitably learn something throughout their years in kindergarten
and elementary, especially high school and college, if attended, compared
to someone who does not pursue a higher echelon of learning. For example,
someone who attends school 5 days a week, 8 hours out of the day for 9
months will retain a significant amount of information compared to someone
who does not have education being imparted on them.

     The fifth and final reason why one should go to school is because school
helps develop interest for extracurriculars. For example, people who attend
school have the capability to participate in after school activities.
That student can develop a talent in dance, football, chess, math club,
and many other extracurricular activities, thus, showing it is important
for one to go to school.

    One will now realize that education is a key tool in life and its successes.
School is a method of growth and expansion of character and will continue
to have reasons why one should go to school. 

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